Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas All

Hope you have a great day and all the best for the upcoming new year. Thanks for reading.
James xxx

Holiday: More Waiheke Island

Above: My legs at Onetangi Beach
Above: Onetangi Beach

Above: Waiheke Road
Above: Looking East over Waiheke towards Coromandel

Above: Pohutakawa Tree A.K.A The New Zealand Christmas Tree

Holiday: Night out in Auckland

A picture says a thousand words, so here are a thousand pictures. That would be 1,000,000 words.
PS: After consultation with Blogspot, who were none to keen to upload a 1000 pictures, here is a smaller selection.

Above: Jennifer

Above: Kate and the Tequila and Ginger Beer cocktail (evil)

Below: Left to right - Jennifer, Kate and I

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

NZ Holiday:Waiheke Island

Above: Matiatia Bay
Below: The view from my Mum's Kitchen over Passage Rock
Hey guys, for the past few days I have been relaxing (with a capital R) at my mum's hideaway in Waiheke Island which is 30 mins off the coast of Auckland. I have been literally laying about, sleeping, eating and drinking for 4 days. I am off to the gym today just to stave off total entropy but it has been very relaxing. My friend Jennifer came over for the day yesterday but the weather has been a bit bad, heaps of rain and cloud. But that did not stop us bouncing around in the 4WD in the torrential rain and mud around the back end of Waiheke. It has been really nice hanging and catching up with my Mum. She is so amazing. Jennifer is now coming with me to the South Island on the 5th January too which is cool. Off to the mainland tomorrow for a couple of nights out in the city which could be debouched.

Engagement Party Pics

Jennifer and I

NZ Holiday: Paul & Sarah's Engagement Party

I arrived in NZ a bit disheveled after having my flight to Auckland delayed by 3 hours in Sydney, but better late than never. Two of my close friends, Sarah and Paul, had their engagement party on the day I arrived so I swiftly when from airport to party mode. Sarah and Paul are the last couple in my group who have been together over 10 years to get engaged. It was amazing to catch up with everyone even though I was feeling a bit dizzy from the travel. Nothing a few dozen beers could not solve.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So much to do....

Cripes, I am leaving in two days and I have to sort so much out. I have to pack, wrap presents, find a lap top bag that does not make me look like I am smuggling plutonium rods and meet up with friends for dinner tomorrow. I also have to clean my room which has turned into an utter dump. Lucky I have the entire day tomorrow before I fly on Saturday morning. I am also still getting over an utter beast of a hangover from my works Christmas lunch on Tuesday. It started at 12.30pm and I got home at 1am. We all got a great gift from our boss, a Missoni Towel and a personal trainer for three months. Nice huh? Anyhoo I was supposed to go to this White Christmas Party for Zeta Bar, but I would rather have a gym session, a pizza and an early night tonight. How are your Christmas plans going? Your Kidney's left on holiday yet?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

6 Days and I will be here.....

Sick Joke

Man, what a crazy 48 hours I have had. On Friday night I was told there was a profile on a gay dating site using my my pictures, and that it said I was a HIV positive "chem" freak after easy sex and was available "day/night" to be dumped in. Can you believe it?? Who would make up such lies. I initially took it as a joke, but when I saw the profile and with not only one but 5 pictures of me, the more frightened and saddened I was.
I had no idea who could have done this, the pictures are off my Facebook profile, but someone took the time to make this page up and post it on this site for god knows who to see.
I was understandably devastated, I had no idea someone would do this and why. I had not pissed anyone off that I knew of and it was just such a vitriolic thing to do. I emailed Gaydar's support people and after two days they sent me an email saying the profile had been taken down and that they were "deeply sorry". Its not their fault, how amazing of them to move so swiftly. I am now left with the thoughts of why. I will not let this get me down, I am keeping my chin up, what does not kill me makes me stronger and I will not be intimidated by someone who obviously had a bone to pick. I just hope the person who did this finds the help they need and some light in their life.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Vintage Jim - The Sun Herald May 2006

The other day when I was a bit down and talking to my Mum about having a hotel room and no one special to have it with. She reminded me of the article I wrote for The Sun Herald last year about being happy being single. I really had nothing to say to that, she was right...hate it when that happens. :-) I look really weird in that picture......


I went and saw The Nutcracker last night at the Opera House, it was amazing. I have not been to the ballet since I was like 4 so it was really all new again. A friend of mine had a spare ticket so invited me along with their lovely family. I was looking rather swish as well, but as it is humid and the temperature of Venus in Sydney at the moment, I got to the Opera House a total sweat ball. Very irritating as you spend all that time getting ready and then you are ready for another shower by the time you get to your venue. I even took great pains not to get over heated. I got ready slowly, drank cold water, opened every door and chimney flew, walked slowly rather than my usual tripod stride. Still I was a fountain of runny face. This is embarrassing when you have to meet people, “Hi I am a sweaty troll, nice to see you again”. Anyhoo I had a great night once the sweating had stopped.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Love is a battlefield

I love that song, it reminds me of being 5 and boogying on a Saturday morning in the house I grew up in New Zealand while my mum vacuumed the house around me, stereo blasting. How interesting that I had no idea what the song meant. It was just the perfect song for body slamming into the couch cushions or accidentally onto my badly timed cat, Bobo.
I went out this weekend and ended up catching the eye of a rather hot guy, who I ended up chatting to for a while. All was going well, until I looked over his shoulder and saw a rather slight young man shooting daggers at me. I asked the guy if he new that goblin over there, he said “yeah that’s my BF”. Oh…well that kinda killed the conversation faster than saying you liked a good “fisting”.
I was rather taken aback at his rather glib admission and his still present eagerness to molest me. I was not having any of it, so after a couple of “Whoa Tigers” we continued our conversation. Until I spied Mr. BF totally pashing another guy, I stopped the conversation and asked “how do you feel about that??” He was like, “whatever, he does his thing and I…… do mine”. Then looked at me like a shark eyeing a plump seal. I laughed and thought you have to be kidding.
He proceed to tell me he could not break up with him as they just moved up together from Melbourne and it was not the right time, though he wanted my number so he could call. I was just flabbergasted, is he for real? Had I taken acid and was now hallucinating this scenario asleep on some hotel toilet?
I just said there is no way I am going to let you call me if you are not single. End of story. I grabbed my gear as I was scared the drink and overall hotness of the guy would make me do something I regretted. As I was leaving he followed me outside to say he hoped we met again sometime soon. I was pleasant but firm, so single no mingle buddy
I left feeling rather proud of myself, but then a little down that again the only guy I met that I had a spark with, was a mess.
He was also a cop as well. Another one?? Holy lord people, is there a newsletter circulating between gay cops with me on the cover – “Available for dipshits. Apply in person at your local fag bar”.
Here is a pic of me and my lovely friend Zilla, at her BF's house before above event.

How cool is this picture?

I was doing research for images for a presentation for a major department store and I found this image of JFK. An unidentified reporter interviews candidate Kennedy during a helicopter ride above Los Angeles in the spring of 1960 . How cool does he look?! Poignant as well. I thought I would just put this up as my inspiration for the week.