Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Mouldy and oldy

I was at dinner last night and we started to talking with two of my good friend about their impending 30th's. To which a younger friend commented "Oh you two don't look 30, you both look so young" She then turned to my friends boyfriend (who is 36) and started saying waxing about how good he looked. Then the conversation ended. Umm ok.... Not that I wanted to be told I looked young, but the fact I was not told this, resonated loudly like a fart in a church. I then pre-occupied myself during this pregnant pause with a fresh Vietnamese yellow curry splatter on my Rock&Republic's. I felt like the only fatty at a fashion show.
I don't mean to 'rant' but I have never considered 30 old, even when I was 20. I always thought 30 was the age you should have your shit together by, but never has being over the hill. I have had to hold myself back from slapping 25 year olds whining they are "old now", even when I was younger than them.
Age is so subjective, I don't want to sound all afternoon TV but if you are going to "think" your old, then you will become this. I am 30 I am not 18 so I would be quite shocked if I still looked that way. I feel I look pretty good, but I have focused on eating better, drinking less and exercising way more.
I guess all this prattle is also due to people placing unrealistic timelines on their lives. If you sat down at 13, in your Colour Me Badd Pj's and worked out on the back of your math book that by 30 you will have the partner, the baby, hover-dog and Hollywood home. Then, sure, you will have a bit of panic when you approach that age and you have none of those goals.

I never thought at 30 I would still be single, but I have to remember that I have done alot of things I wanted and never expect to do. I have travelled extensively and will do more, I have carved out a great career for myself through hard work and focusing on my goals. I have partied hard as well as having my heart broken more than a few times. But that is what makes you who you are. I never want to get to the end of my life and say "I wish I had done that"

Age to me is something you should have pride in, not have to excuse. I am not going to stop being me, now, in ten years or in 30. Hover-dog or no hover-dog.