Saturday, September 29, 2007

Party Party Party

Hey, just had the most mental night at the SunStudios "Uniform" Party. As you can see i went as a Wallaby, which is prob not great because of my Kiwi heritage. But it was either this or a superhero costume as The Flash, but it went right up my butt and showed the family jewels far too much. Flash indeed! Great night, lost my ball, mouth guard and my mind.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mancrush: Update

Last we heard on this subject I had bashed my head into a steel pole whilst trying to charm the pants off a trainer from the gym. Impressive, but not overly surprising that I managed to injure myself whilst trying to be Mr. Saucy Pants, I was surprised I was able to carry on a normal conversation as I bled from my head. Anyway, due to a friend wanting to leave I was unable to complete the transaction of numbers or even suss out if he was interested.
Having resigned myself to fate, I returned to the gym the next week and as I was working out I came eye to eye with trainer who gave me a quick wave and a wink. Oook, guess he is interested then. Since then I have intercepted more than a few lingering looks, smiles, waves and one rather confusing shoulder rub as we talked about him locking himself out of his house.

Argh! I don't know what to do now, I want to ask him out for a beer but its hard when he is working with clients. I can see myself asking him out as he stretches a clients achilles tendon, him saying no, embarrassing me not only in front of him as well in front of some poor stranger who did not want to be part of this and just want to lose the love handles. At that point I would then go and strangle myself with a skipping rope.
Maybe I am being a bit over dramatic now, but you see the concern. I guess I have to just bite the bullet. Admittedly I am having quite some fun with this anyway. Wish me luck

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Root Of All Evil

Dentists are not my friend, in the past 18 months I have had more latex fingers in my mouth than I would like to remember. I am still rather shocked by the decline of my teeth, I was one of those kids who were told by dentists "How great your teeth are!" The only issue was trying not to smile when I was lying that I had cleaned my teeth that morning, whilst hiding the lollipop in my small fist. My dental health first started to wobble like a baby tooth when my wisdom teeth tore into existence. This oral uprising instilled a general mouth wide revolution, many of the rebels have been since placated or silenced (removed), but I am still one extraction away from orthodontic peace.

I have not had this much trouble since a certain drunken night in Grammercy Park New York in late December 2000, where I attended a swish party and in good form promptly drank from the punch bowl with cupped hands. 5 hours and 3 liters of booze later, I stumbled onto the roof slurring to my companion I wanted to see the Twin Towers (sigh) in the brooding blizzard. I remember seeing the steel grey bases disappearing into the low grey cloud, like the huge static legs of a monstrous robot. I then plunged head first into a block of ice and concrete. Bashing out my front tooth. It took four months of painful root canal, castings, and color matching before I had ole chomper back in beer bottle opening form. Suffice to say NYE 2001 was not the party I had imagined, sitting on the floor in a Greenwich apartment, watching the ball drop, trying to eat a donut without teasing out the blistering agony of an exposed nerve.

Today I experienced my latest tooth rescue mission, I was rather shocked when the dentist asked the assistant to find a smaller needle as she hated large needles. To the dentists "frustration" there was only the super large needle, she again sighed as she came at me with a needle that looked like its was rather used to euthanize horses. SHE hates big needles!?
Lady, I am the one you are sticking it into!

Anyway after a hour, 7 types of whining drills, vacuum cleaner and a hair drier in my mouth later, I was out and paying for the privilege. Wondering when it will be all over and hoping I would be able to drink liquid again without drooling it down my shirt.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Here are two pics I took while on holiday in Vietnam last October. It is a Hotei or Budai, the obese Laughing Buddha, usually seen in China. The long earlobes denote superb perception. I love these pictures they make me feel relaxed.


Oooh I juts got a pay rise! Its the biggest single jump I salary rates I have ever had. Yay bring on the gold covered bathmat. Not, I am way to middle class for such garish things. Also I am not that mint, yet! I think I have worked really hard for this, not just in this job but in my last job which was the worst career experiences I have had.

I am going to pay off the credit card now and relax more. I always get my tits in a tangle over money. So now I can release the reins a bit, not to much though my inner control freak will not go away that fast!

Monday, September 17, 2007

What I Am Reading..

This is the book I am reading, it is awesome. The "God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins . Its so well written, I have just started so let you know more soon. I got a really odd look from the girl at the check out when I bought it. I felt like telling her its not a book how to sell children over the Internet. When did it become fashionable to not have your own ideas and become a robot? Makes me even more dedicated to reading it.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Funny thing happened last night. There has been this trainer i have had a big man crush on for months at the gym. Over the weeks of he has started smiling at me, and me smiling back, then falling of the treadmill or doing something totally stupid and un sexy.
Anyhoo was at a pub last night and me and my mates went outside on the balcony, and low and behold trainer man was there. So i steadied my hyperventilating and acted so cool, talking about Bosina or APEC, whatever, whilst sneaking looks over his way. Then he came up and started talking to me! I was a jibbering wreak. It could only go one of two ways, good or bad. I am not really sure how i did, as when i was talking to him i finished my beer and turned to put it down and smashed my head into the metal frame of the door. I saw stars!! So i had to turn back to the conversation holding my head and acting so cool whilst surreptitiously wiping away the blood gushing from my head. It took about 10mins of this panto until my mate came back and i dashed to the loo for some first aid and a slap. I dont think he noticed as he came and talked to me again. Or maybe he has a thing for people who injury themselves and really inopportune times. No numbers exchanged but contact has been made and i know his name (sigh). Next step serious pash-a-thon.
PS: i got ID'ed twice last night, i had to show my drivers license to prove i was 30 not 18 !!!! Thank you SK-II

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Avril is, like, a douche bag

Happy to be a loser in Avril's book. Check out this trip to ego town.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Good day!

Heyoop, phew wow.
What a bonkers day. A client of mine (Canterbury clothing) launched a new product today and I managed to get them a full page in the Daily Telegraph on the new sports gear. Take a looky on the left. This piece kicked off a day of coverage, it syndicated nationally in the papers, was picked up on radio nationally, was on Morning TV and is about to be on Ten news tonight and TV One and TV3 in NZ!
That's the thing with publicity you can plug away and one day all it takes is a single well timed piece and your off!
I am feeling pretty chuffed (hopefully the client is too) but I totally realize this is all luck of timing.
In between the crazy, I have been reading Madonna's own blog, its quite funny. I am not sure its her, but I think so. The entry about how she makes her daughter's mates entire families sign confidentially agreements before her friends can sleep over - is amazing! But necessary I guess when people may look through the toilet cabinet for something to sell to the DailyMirror.
Better fly, gym calls.