Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mancrush: Update

Last we heard on this subject I had bashed my head into a steel pole whilst trying to charm the pants off a trainer from the gym. Impressive, but not overly surprising that I managed to injure myself whilst trying to be Mr. Saucy Pants, I was surprised I was able to carry on a normal conversation as I bled from my head. Anyway, due to a friend wanting to leave I was unable to complete the transaction of numbers or even suss out if he was interested.
Having resigned myself to fate, I returned to the gym the next week and as I was working out I came eye to eye with trainer who gave me a quick wave and a wink. Oook, guess he is interested then. Since then I have intercepted more than a few lingering looks, smiles, waves and one rather confusing shoulder rub as we talked about him locking himself out of his house.

Argh! I don't know what to do now, I want to ask him out for a beer but its hard when he is working with clients. I can see myself asking him out as he stretches a clients achilles tendon, him saying no, embarrassing me not only in front of him as well in front of some poor stranger who did not want to be part of this and just want to lose the love handles. At that point I would then go and strangle myself with a skipping rope.
Maybe I am being a bit over dramatic now, but you see the concern. I guess I have to just bite the bullet. Admittedly I am having quite some fun with this anyway. Wish me luck