....I am going back to London to visit! Current exchange rate silliness has put the fun police on my idea of going to the states so I have decided to go to London in Late August/Early Sept with a couple of sneaky trips to the continent being threatened. Yay. Looking for a good fare now, and because of the big G.F.C (Global Financial Caca) there are some good fares available. I will update on this as soon as information is to hand AKA: when i have the cash to buy the airfare.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mardi Wow
Quick note, went to Sydney Mardi Gras 2009 after party and it was amazing. Very sweaty very packed, but had the best time. The NSW govt sunk $250,000 into this years event and it was extraordinary. Yes i was a bit drunk, yes I was a sweat bag, but by my bleeding gums i had a great evening. Got home at 6am, stinking like a pirate hooker but it was well worth it.
Pics to follow.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The most horrible invention ever!
In the words of South Park's Sheila Broflovski "What, What, What!!???"
This particular invention to make poopy time more 'fun' for your children, has me just convulsing in horror. Seriously people.. toilet training your kid must be horrid enough (just imagine the stained wallpaper and dead house plants) without inserting a piece of plastic into you child. You are just asking for ultimate nursing home revenge in say 40 years. To see the horror in stereo go here: http://turdtwister.com/
Whats next? Chocolate-log flume ride? Diarrhea beaded necklace maker?
I need to go poke the mental images from my skull with a heated kniting needle now.
Wow trust Galliano to rest my private fears about what I could wear if I was a cross dressing courtroom judge on the way to a formal screening of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Man that one has kept me awake for weeks. Now I can sleep like a fat baby, only if I can figure out what I would wear to a Cannibal Bamitzvah hosted by Dionne Warwick circa 'Solid Gold' days. Oh the worry....
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Analyse this
Ok so in the past few months what have we learned: not to date players (check), realise some home truths about love and family (check) and realise life is what you make of it (check and check). What a time, it seems change is everywhere we look from the Global Financial Crisis AKA ‘Honey I shrunk our investment portfolio’ to personal changes and big decisions. I am not sure, but after the uber-crap year that was ‘2000 and hate’ there was a general feeling in my friends that things have to change and the first place is with yourself. I took the opportunity towards the end of the year to revaluate all that was going wrong in my life and try to do something about it, so I started therapy.
I was at a crossroads, I was unhappy and I felt that I had to be the reason my relationships were not going well, and I am not talking about just love life but everything. I was unhappy and felt as if life was closing in on me. So I started seeing this lovely lady who resembled a South African garden gnome and at first i was resistant, I wanted to focus just on my love life but as you may know nothing is out of bounds in therapy. Every old hurt and hideous memory is dragged screaming from the trunk, shaken off and given the once over. The most amazing thing is how you build you life around ideas and concepts that were totally untrue or ridiculous, even childish. That’s no surprise as we learn a lot of this when we are a child. But mostly the focus was on my Dad, who I never knew and how this effected everything I did and decided. Unbelievable and crushing but ultimately rewarding beyond measure. I can’t describe how much my life changed after that, I started opening up to everyone around me, meeting new people and becoming someone i liked and who was open to life not away hiding from it.
Anyway I am not going to wax psychological on you, but to understand the past few months I could not ignore the life changing elephant in the room.
So... now that’s out the way, we can get back to business. Random pictures, rambling diatribes, and general rants.
Happy New Year BTW, and it’s good to be back. I hope the dog with the wheels for legs is still reading my blog.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
um eerr...yeah..sorry..
Yes ok, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. I have been AWOL since November, it is now almost March.
OK, yes I have been very bad and have not put finger tip to key board for some time.But do not think this is for I have had nothing to talk about, totally the opposite. In fact the past 4 months have been incredible.
I have had a lot to talk about so, I won’t just vomit up all into a blog fur ball that will stick to your windshields.
Let me collect my thoughts as I want to kick start this blog again after an eventful and refreshing hiatus. Soon my precious...
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