What’s that mister time? …oh it’s time to shake it all up again like a large snow globe. Right I better hold the shower rod perchance I slide out the window with all this reshuffling. This Wednesday night my friend Ad and I were in search for non fattening yumbo pizza, and being not one who reflects on life, Ad (he is more of the ‘shut up and deal with it’ type) sighed ‘It seems everything is up in the air at the moment’. Funny cause I thought I was the only one who thought life was seeming like one giant scene change.
My friend Curtis is returning home to tropical Cleveland Ohio, Matt is off on a 11 week trip around Europe, Ad’s current paramour was no more and my friend Oli is about it have her first baby in 5 weeks. Not to mention other friends job changes, relationship strains and general unrest. I have though remained pretty much the same, apart from my upcoming NYC trip the status is resoundingly quo.
I am still warring with the pigeons on my balcony, having found they are not afraid of wooden snakes I have taken to waving my dirty gym sock at them to scare them off. I do feel a bit bad, as pigeons mate for life I find myself jealous of their cuddling on my balcony, if it weren’t for them covering my furniture in bird yogurt it would be fine. So I storm out like a madman screaming, “Don’t rub your long term commitment in my face, pigeons!”. Yesterday I did it in a towel and almost fell off the chair. I then imagined people finding my naked dead body clutching a stinky gym sock in one hand and a wooden snake in the other, two stories down in the alley and trying to figure out what happened. That would have been a bit sad.
Back on message. So it seems my wee group is undergoing a bit of a rejig in the style of preschool musical chairs. It’s hard not to be nervous or sad as it’s so hard to find a group of friends you can connect with all at the same time, and this is what we have. We are one pulsating brain and in recent times I have really come to realise that it is the relationships you have with your friends and family that really count and define you, not dudes who breeze in and out of your life. But I begrudgingly agree change is good, we need a chance to see things in a different light. Life is like that, people come into your life for one reason or another and the way they affect or change you is only apparent after they are gone. My mum told me that after a certain Irish disaster.
Anyhoo, I am sure this will work out just fine. Can’t help but wonder what’s coming up for me, if it will be nice or not so fun. Either way, with good friends (no matter where they are or what they are doing) I am sure I can handle it.