I am literally dragging my carcass over the line as the end of the year is within spitting distance. Not that I am counting (I finish in exactly two weeks today) but I am in such a dire need of a holiday I can taste the sunscreen in my mouth. Why you ask, as you eat your twig toast and hot non animal related chai? Well I have had a year that has truly tested me in every way. Work, health, love (or lack of loving) it really has been a year of change. I don't complain, though some experiences were truly horrible, I am just hoping for a year with less drama and more nice karma. A colleague read me my stars for the impending year yesterday which left me wanting, I heard phrases like.. "In between phase", "major growth process" etc.. Not that I am placing my faith into a little booklet stuck onto a gossip rag, but to be honest that sounds like this year and the year before, oh and the year before. I feel very much like I am on the verge of something better, but never seem to get there or enjoy it if I do. Strange huh? Maybe I should take solice in the last line of the crappy gossip horoscope book "Even though you do not know where this train is headed, have faith you will know where to get off, so enjoy the scenery on the way" Wise words for a magazine whose cover screams "Britney now so fat she has her own moon".