Monday, November 12, 2007

Summer Dance Tracks I Am Loving Myself Sick With...

I was lucky enough to get a pre-release of the new Seal album "System" due out tomorrow. It is incredible. It was produced by Stuart Price, the guy behind Madonna's Confessions On A Dance Floor. The two stand out tracks are "If It's In My Mind, It's On My Face" and "Amazing", both of which are pumping club tracks and are...well for lack of of a better word...amazing and so uplifting. I have also have totally become obsessed with Roisin Murphy's New album "Overpowered", which is too a dance album. You see a theme of what I like? My fave is "Tell Everybody" and "Let Me Know". Which has a brilliant video in which she goes spazo in a greasy spoon diner. Check out the video here: