Golly Australia you can surprise the minx outta me when I least expect it. Just when I though the country was going to swing into the scaly claws of Tony Abbott, you hiff out KRudd with last week’s porno and bring in Julia Gillard. I had read grumblings about change and had thought how cool it would be to have a female PM, but I parked that in ‘what if’ land along with my dreams of having a pink pony. But whambang ginger ma’am and we have a lady PM who seems like she could kick some serious ass. Like a shower after a big night, all sins are washed away and I can start to feel like the government is back on track.
Something had to happen though, with KRudd back flipping more than a Cirque du Soleil acrobat I could feel that Abbott could be handed the keys to the lodge by default. Call me a pinko tree hugging lefty but it is dangerous to give power to a man who is "threatened" by homosexuality, says gay people challenge "the right order of things", who also has ‘mixed’ feelings about contraception and believes women need to abstain from sex before marriage. This is coming from a man who openly admitted to the possibility he fathered a child out of wedlock back whilst back at university, only to find out the child (20+ year old man now) was not in fact his. The words hypocritical bigoted dinosaur are flashing in my mind like a Kings Cross strip bar sign.
I was already packing my carryon luggage to move to the moon until Julia scampered into my life. Man, she is a firecracker. Anyone who does not think her speech and press conference was impressive is obviously lost in a K Hole cause I was all ready to marry this woman. I guess time is going to tell here, as there will surely be a honeymoon period but I have feeling this woman will lead Labour to a win later this year. Not only does she have more balls than a stud farm she has a clear idea of what she will and won’t put up with, including a serpentine Tony Abbott or narky journalists.
It is about time Australia has a female PM, this country has been held back by old boys’ network to the detriment of social development. Let’s just hope that the country can advance forward to talk about her policies and direction for the country and not fall for the usual gossip that surrounds female heads of state – endless vapid jabbering about her clothes, sexual orientation, make up choices and if the curtains match the drapes.