Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tableclothes everywhere.. beware!

Bleeding art students everyone, THIS is what Lady Blah Blah wore to her college graduation. THIS! The expression on the girl's face behind says it all don’t you think, somebody’s Edwardian funeral parlour is going to be quite bare this winter.

Conflicted I am about Blah Blah, yes she writes her own material, yes she is very creative, yes she has landed like a fat bird turd in the middle of pop culture. It seemed such a short time ago when we did not suddenly explode into screams of “Raaaraaa ooo laalaa gaga romamaa” at the supermarket or make claws out of our hands when shopping for Dettol. Look I think she is just what the Dr. Dre ordered, someone who shows Shitney and X-Tina and Miley Virus up for what they are - The musical equivalent of blood clots. But I do wish she would tone down the hysterical over dressing and blithering videos that make those Siamese Latvian transvestite art film students look positively mainstream.

I remember hearing her first track online 2 years ago and thinking “interesting” as I tented my hands and stroked my fluffy white cat, but for all the hype her songs are pretty average and the only one I would have jitterbugged to ‘Telephone’, was thrashed so much on the radio that I would sooner evacuate my dinner than boogie to it now. Popping on my caring father hat *pop*, I am concerned that she will burn out too soon, all the crazy costumes and hype may deflate the tires on her Pussy Wagon before we get the really good juice out of her talent orange. The general public are quite fickle and this 'madwoman dressed in skinned Muppet thing' may get pretty tired after about 3 albums. I wish I was old enough to remember the hype when Madonna burst out of her pod to terrorize the world, I do remember a lot of buzz and chat that she was a woman of filthy morals and even hairier armpits but that's about it. I was too busy choreographing battle scenes with my Masters of the Universe to Like a Virgin to care.

I am just concerned about someone who can’t separate the fiction from the fact, you never saw Madonna walking around inside Rosemary's Baby's recycled cot fabric and a Vietnamese peasants hat. The new video for (WANK!) Alejandro makes me think the (WANK!) crazy is only just (WANK!) beginning, 9 mins long!!! WTF!? The last time I saw an epic like that was …..well……Lady Blah Blah….but before then was those visual rants the late Michael Jackson use to make in the 90’s. Who has the time to watch that, I have too many fish to gut and fake tranny nails to mail to penguins to make time for that silliness.

So to summarize, Lady GaGa is promising. Just want the world needed. But surely it about time to show what is under all the guff.

Note: It turns out the event was her sisters graduation...hmmm attention seeker says what?