Well, Julia is apparently not down with the gays being able to walk over any thresholds legally which is very disappointing. On the Kyle and Jackie O Show (of all places!) our Lady PM stubbed out any hopes that Jules' rapid ascension
Man, this is a fart in a birthday cake for me which has popped the happy balloon I was blowing up for Ms Gillard. Not that I am within a trillion light years of a marriage proposal nor feel like i will ever be, but this is about more than ourselves, it's about moving forward as a community and in the rights for all, no matter who they wish to Boof, Pash or Marry. It is worth mentioning that in 2009 it was shown 60% of Australian's are FOR gay marriage, so how can Gillard or any politician for that matter site the 'communities' opinion as a reason to constantly avoid it.
Yes, Rudd revised constrictive wording in laws regarding superannuation, taxes and insurance to name a view to give same sex couples the same rights as their 'straight' counterparts. But we sit of the edge of a massive reform that would make Australia a progressive state once again, but no one has the guts to take the step and if an atheist female prime minister can't summon her lead balls to make this leap then I despair it may never be a reality anytime soon . I feel a protest vote for the Greens rising in the back of my throat.