Oh the collective squeal is apparent for cat fetishists everywhere, after years of gazing into their cats eyes and wondering what lays beneath that nonchalant gaze…now you can know. Sony have just released a product which is Twitter for cats, the Cat@Log.
The Sony spokeswhore says “Hoping to tap the lucrative Twitter fan-cat lover crossover market, Sony has released a collar that gives cat owners constant updates on their moggies' movements.” How exciting, now I can know when Mr. Squiggles is about to shred my couch or spray my shoes. Rolled up newspapers at the ready!
My question is does it really say what the cats up to? Will it articulate at 2am that your cats shagging the neighbors moggie, or eating a rat or about to get hit by a mini cooper? I am not sure how many times I want to be updated that the cats kneading my chest painfully and pulling apart my jumper whilst doing so.
I would love if this device actually said what the cat was thinking, but you would probably find out your cat wished you went out more and found some people friends and stopped buying it stupid gadgets. What would you do if you found out your cat hated you? I would think the violin factories would be doing a roaring trade after that invention.
Oh well better go, have to go ask the cat how to use the stereo.